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Dementia - Losing Memory

Dementia is a syndrome, describes as "one of the major causes of disability & dependency among order people wordwide"

It is a syndrome of deterioriting cognitive function that affects  memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement.

Safety tips:
♡ Do not leave a person who has advanced dementia alone at home
♡ Keep car keys out of sight; not safe for people with dementia to drive.
♡ Place alarms on all doors and windows that will sound if the doors are opened.
♡ Fence and close off any areas that may be dangerous such as stairs, or decks, or hot tubs, or swimming pool, or fish pond.
♡ Remove or reduce hazards for tripping or falling.
♡ Make sure kitchen is safe. Lock up sharp objects, medicines, cleaning products.

c+p NST